Aquarium ultraviolet (UV) water sterilizers for fresh and saltwater aquariums have never quite caught on in the same way as their pond equivalents, perhaps because they are not used for the same reason – although they should be! The result of a pond’s UV unit destroying singlecelled algae is almost a happy accident, as they are generally used to just clear up “green water” and not for any other sterilizing properties. However, the main function of any such unit, indoors or out, can and should be to control pathogens and harmful bacteria by halting cell reproduction, a property of ultraviolet light discovered in 1877. UV sterilizers produce shortwave ultraviolet light that kills waterborne algae spores with ease, provided they are exposed to the radiation for a sufficient length of time. The UV light actually breaks the DNA chain, thus preventing the algae spores from reproducing.
The reasons for using UV sterilizers are compelling. For example, a typical pond or aquarium may have species of fish from many different sources. These fish come with specific pathogens found in their locations and have a natural immunity or resistance already developed. Other fish that come into contact with them in the close confines of a pond or aquarium (of any size) have little or no resistance and consequently the spread of disease is a very real threat. UV sterilization should not be used when ponds or aquariums are being treated with antibiotics or when starting a new biological filter. Also, when outdoors, UV sterilizers should be protected from direct effects of the weather, such as rain and freezing. And please remember, always turn off the power when performing routine maintenance on electrical items. We have a a full array of quartz-lined ultraviolet sterilizers available, come in and ask about them today!